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Bishops Canning CofE Primary School & Pre School

Sports Premium

Funding for Primary School PE and Sports: 2022-2023

In keeping with previous years, the government provided a grant to schools known as the Sports Premium.  Our allocation for the academic year 21/22 was £18000.

The aim of this funding is to improve the Physical Education (P.E.) and sports programmes offered by primary schools, and is provided jointly by various governmental departments, including Education, Health and Culture, and Media and Sport.

The funding will be ‘ring fenced’ – this means it can only be spent specifically on P.E. and sport in schools.

Purpose of funding

Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, though how they do this remains their decision.

Through our sports premium, we aim to: 

  • An extensive range of competitions covering a wide variety of sports;
  • The facility to network with physical education specialists and other primary colleagues who have a passion for P.E. and sport;
  • Access curriculum festivals;
  • Outreach support from a secondary colleague who provided quality first P.E. teaching and who ran CPD sessions through the 'Learn, Try, Fly' model (whereby teachers observed the P.E. specialist delivering a lesson, then led their own lesson specialists to teach P.E and run CPD).

Additional purchase of play equipment has also enhanced playtimes for all students at Bishops Cannings ensuring that there is opportunity for purposeful physical activity throughout playtimes.


Our P.E. leader, Mr Darren Griffin, regularly attends network meetings to keep abreast of developments in sports locally.

Planned Spending for the Academic Year 22/23

Please click here for our proposed spending for Sports Premium for 22-23 

Please click here for our proposed spending for Sports Premium for 21-22