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Bishops Canning CofE Primary School & Pre School

Religion and World Views

  • The intention is that RW in Bishops Cannings School will: 

    • Develop pupil’s knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of a wide range of Christians and people of other principal world religions, and non-religious world views in our local, national and wider global community.
    • Enable pupils to explain how beliefs and practices can inform and change the way people see the world and the way they live and treat others.
    • Help pupils to develop their own sense of identity and belonging.
    • Help pupils to gain an understanding of differences held within a religious or non-religious worldview and of the similarities of beliefs and practices held in common by people within and across traditions.
    • Equip pupils to be sensitive to others’ beliefs, be able to express their own views well, be open minded and respectful, show curiosity and have the skills to ask appropriate questions when meeting people different to themselves.
    • Recognise and build on children’s prior learning, opinions and experiences, provide first hand learning experiences and encourage children to develop their thinking in the three key strands of RW (theology, philosophy and the social sciences) whilst exploring and enriching their own beliefs and values.

Throughout our Religion and World Views curriculum, we cover: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Humanism and Hinduism. See below for our coverage across the school. 

We were very pleased to have been awarded the WIRE Award from SACRE at Wiltshire Council. This award was given to us for us demonstrating our commitment to Widening Inclusivity in Religious Education.

Wire Award.jpg

At Bishops Cannings, we aim for Religion and World Views to enable every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10). It will help educate for dignity and respect encouraging all to live well together. 

We follow the guidance set out in The Church of England RE statement of Entitlement Document. 

 Please click here for our RE policy. 

religions and worldviews curriculum plan 2023 24.pdf